Dragonheart Cattery

Adoption Information

Kittens are ready for adoption at between 12-16 weeks of age.  Kittens will have their first two sets of shots and be de wormed and box trained. Breeder provides new owners with a shot record, health guarantee and bag or a coupon for a bag of the kitten food the kitten is eating. Kittens are usually vet check at time of spaying and neutering.  Any and all vet bills incurred on any kitten prior to leaving “Dragon Heart Cattery” are the breeders responsibility.

*Note: Dragon Heart Cattery reserves the right to cancel any sale or refuse sale of a kitten or cat to any person(s). 

Spaying & Neutering:  Due to the nationwide shortage of vets I will do my best to keep spaying and neutering my kittens.  It is frustrating trying to make a appointment and being told by my vet that they are not scheduling any spays or neuter’s or that they are schudaling six months out!  I was told that there are not many vets that want to practice in the outlining rural areas. That it is more profitable to set up practices in the bigger metropolitan area’s. The second problem I am running into is finding a new vet that even does early spaying and neutering! Hence the reason I have been with my orginal vet for so many years! My vet at “All Creatures Animal Hospital” use to have 8 vets working in the clinic. She told me a few months back that they are down to two vets and just two vet tecs. I never thought I would see this problem.  Hopefully  the problem will rectify itself. 

Health Guarantee:  All kittens come with a one week written health guarantee. This allows new owners ample time to have their new kitten vet checked by their vet. Kittens are guaranteed to be Leukemia, FIV, & HCM free and in general good health. Guarantee is for replacement of kitten only should kitten die. NO cash refunds. In some rare cases if a kitten goes to a new owner and if the kitten becomes sick with a non- life-threatening illness or problem (upper respiratory infection, ear mitts, worms, etc.) within the first week or two. Breeder at her discretion may pay for medications for kitten. Other than that breeder does not pay for any tests or vet bills. I also give a two-year written genetic health guarantee. This is for replacement of kitten only. I require written documentation from the new owners’ vet which must state the cause of death and date. In rare cases if after purchasing a kitten, the kitten is found to have a genetic disorder, and it is non-life threatening and if both owner and breeder are in agreement kitten can be replaced with another kitten.

**NOTE**   This is long over due. But for years I have had customers ask me if I have had any of my cats tested for HCM. The answer was always no. I never thought it was a concern since I had never had any problems with the HCM. Well, out of the blue in the fall (2015), I had a kitten die from HCM. A fluke I am thinking but non the less I have decided to start testing my adults. This is going to be a long process and as I get the results, I am going to post them on my Queens and Kings page under each cat. I have HCM information posted on my general information page to help prospective kitten buyers understand the disease better…………..

Deposits, Payments and Refunds:

I accept deposits on kittens at four weeks of age. This deposit holds the kitten until delivery or shipping. With final payment expected before shipping or at time of delivery. I require a $150.00 dollar deposit to hold a kitten which is Non-Refundable should buyer change their mind. Should a kitten be found to have a birth defect or genetic disorder before delivery or shipping the cash deposit would be refunded or credited towards another kitten. Whichever buyer prefers. I accept deposits through Papal which is a safe and secure method of payment. When paying thru PayPal please pay the deposit using the “Send money to Family and Friends button. Paying these ways avoids the fee that PayPal charges. I also except deposits in the form of a money order or preferably cash. Final payment is to be in cash, or Venmo, or Cash App. I do not accept checks as final payment.

Click Here to send a payment via PayPal. Please type in amount you are paying.

When using this method of payment please use the friends/family payment option as there is no fee associated with paying this way.
Or visit www.paypal.com and pay using: crazycatwoman@charter.net

Dragon Heart Cattery Sales:

Pets: These are cats that do not conform to the breed standard completely and have imperfections in body, coloring, eye color and are sold without breeding rights. In the past I have had prospective customers who have wanted a kitten but have wanted to have their vet do the spaying and neutering. I prefer to have this done by my vet for many reasons that I will not go into right now.  So, if this is something you must have done by your vet then a Dragon Heart kitten is not for you.

Breeders: These are cats that conform to the breed standard as close as possible but may have slight imperfection. They are sold with breeding rights. Currently I am not selling any breeders.

Show: These are cats that conform to the show standards as far as type, coloring, eye color, etc.  At present I am not producing any show kittens.

Prices Ragdolls:

 Pet Pricing: $1,200.00 to $1,600.00 includes spaying & neutering. 

 Breeders: Not currently selling breeders

DELIVERY FEE: Due to the high cost of gas I will be charging a delivery fee between $50.00 and a $100.00.  depending on where I ‘am going.


The whole shipping section is outdated. I need to call and get shipping information for the airlines that I use. I know with the Covid restrictions there were very few airlines shipping animals. I will try to deal with that at some time in the near future. I ship all of my kittens using Alaskan Airlines for short flights (price varies). And, for longer flights I use Continental Airlines at a fee of about $99.00 or Delta Airlines at $180.00. I prefer to ship out of Medford, Oregon But, this is not always possible, so I ship out of Portland, Oregon also. When shipping out of Portland all shipping is done on a Friday or on the weekends. This seems to work best for most people. When I have to make a trip up to Portland to ship, I ask a small fee to help with gas expenses and for my time. Portland is 4 1/2 hours north of me and is an all-day trip up and back. In some cases, not all airlines fly into certain airports and then I use whatever airline is available. So, prices on shipping are not guaranteed. Shipping is limited to certain times of the year due to heat restrictions imposed by certain airlines. But normally it is not a problem. Buyers pay for a health certificate which is $25.00 and for a carrier which is about $25.00. All kittens have to be at least 8 weeks of age to ship, this is a requirement imposed by the airlines. Two kittens at a time can usually be ship in one carrier providing the kittens and the carrier are under a certain weight. This works for individuals wanting to adopt two kittens or for two friends wanting kittens and they want to split shipping costs. I make no money off shipping my kittens and prices are at what the airlines charge me. With some airlines I can ship “freight collect” with new owners paying for the shipping at time of pick up. This is a nice convenience. With other airlines shipping has to be pre-paid at time of shipping. So, in these cases I have to collect shipping cost up front. In rare cases a kitten has to be kenneled overnight due to no straight through flights. This expense is the new owners. This usually happens when shipping out of the States.

Whenever possible I like to hand deliver my kittens and meet new owners. This is possible if new owners live in Oregon, Washington, or Northern California. Also, for States like Idaho or Nevada driving and meeting a party halfway is possible. When delivering a kitten or kittens as a group, a $50.00 to $100.00 delivery fee is asked to help with gas and expenses. All hand deliveries are done on the weekends.

Phone: 1-541-659-1216 
Email: Crazycatwoman@charter.net
Location: Grants Pass, Oregon