Monty was born on 3-02-99 to Whispurwnds Cattery in Klamath Falls, Oregon. At about four months of age he came to live with me at Dragon Heart Cattery. He was always a playful kitten and soon became my traveling companion and buddy.
He loved ridding in the car and his favorite spot was in the front seat on my lap .And, if it got a little to warm there, he would move to under my feet on the floor boards in the shade. Of all my Persians he was my favorite. When ever he wanted attention he would roll over on his back and expect a belly/neck rub. My husband affectionately nick named him fat rat. A name I hated but Monty didn’t seem to mind. At the Santa Clara Valley CFA show held on 11-06-1999 he got his winner ribbons and achieve the title of Champion. He was 8 months old at the time. After that he settle in here at Dragon Heart Cattery. In his short life he fathered four litters of kittens for a total of 11 offspring. He died Saturday March 16, 2002 and had just turned three years old. The cattery is not the same with out Monty. He was the first cat I called for and the last to get his belly rub before leaving. Monty was a non- sprayer and I could take him anywhere with out having any problems with him. When traveling out of town with me he would sleep on the bed with me. The pillow being his favorite spot. He was spoiled rotten and when he died he took a small part of my heart with him. He will always be remembered and loved for the special kitty he was. He was laid to rest in Dragon Heart Cemetery along with two of our dogs, Spuds & Surf who preceded him in death.
Footnote: It amazing how a pet can enrich our lives and bring so much joy & love into it. They entertain us and love us unconditionally and require so very little in return. A special pet can get one throw happy times and sad times. Hug or pet you’re cat or dog today and never take them for granted. One never knows how long one has here on this earth.

Baby was born here at Dragon Heart Cattery 3-18-01. Her mom is Whizzer and her Dad was Monty. She was a Blue and White Van Persian, and a pet if ever I saw one. From the get go it was obvious that she had some deformities. With her crocked little noise and left ear that was shorter than the other, not to mention all the whiskers growing were there shouldn’t be on her face. She stopped nursing around 5-6 weeks of age and I decided I would not let her die. So, I started feeding her with a syringe. She was on KMR for the rest of her life, as well as some occasional soft baby food, lamb being her favorite. I did not name her right away thinking that if I didn’t I would not get too attached to her. Baby started having problems keeping food down and would sometimes throw up her food, and even blow bubbles of milk through her nose. When she was a little older she would try so desperately to keep her dry food down, and sometimes, although rarely, she would. I knew there was something wrong with her but could not afford to take her into the vet. I knew in my heart it was going to be one of two things.
It would either be something they would not be able to fix or something that they could fix, but it would cost a small fortune. So, I started saving money for her vet visit. Things went on around here. She never got well, but did not die. She was the cutest, ugliest little kitty you would ever want to see. Almost everyone who had seen or meet her fell in love with her. I could have had a home for her a hundred times over if she had only been well. Because she was only able to live on KMR, having to be feed it three and four times a day; she literally went on every out of town business trip with me. Her favorite spot to sit was on top of the carrier in the back seat. She had to have a bird’s eye view of everything going on out side. I could not expect my son or husband to devote as much time to her and was needed. So, she became my sole responsibility and constant companion this last year. She would sleep between the pillow and headboard of the bed. And when she was little, she would curl up in my long hair at nights. Which was somewhat strange waking up to find a kitty all tangled up there. She was soon broke of that bad habit
She went through about $60.00 a month in KMR as well as vitamins supplements, and she was never a very active kitty because of her health. Occasionally though, she would get these burst of energy and would run and romp through the house playing with other kittens. She would get the cutest little wild eye look in her eyes. Toward the end of April 2002 she stopped drinking her KMR like she had normally been doing. I had finally saved up what I thought would be enough for her vet visit. So, Dr. Todd at the “Allen Creek Veterinary Clinic” saw her here in Grants Pass, where she was finally diagnosed with what was wrong with her. During her early development she had a blood vessel going from her heart that should have been absorbed, but wasn’t. It was lying on or was wrapped around her esophagus, causing an obstruction. This was what was preventing her from eating dry food or even sometimes keeping her KMR down. At this point she weighed only two lbs. The vet gave me two options; put her down or have an operation to fix the problem. The operation however, was expensive and was real touchy. Given Baby’s condition and weight he said she would probably not make it. I took her home and thought about it for a week. I decided putting her down was not an option for me, or her. She had always been such a little fighter that I felt certain she could survive the surgery. At this point Baby was so much a part of my daily routine and such a wonderful companion and friend that I need her to be all right for me. An appointment was scheduled for May 9 of this year. The surgery took place at “All Creatures Animal Hospital” in Eagle Point, Oregon. Dr. Tom Terbeck recommended a skilled surgeon who had experience in operation’s like the one Baby needed. On the way to the vet’s office she sat in my lap and purred the whole way there. I dropped her off and went to work praying that all would be well with her. But, here is the strangest thing of all. I had to be out of town that day and had spent the night in Klamath Falls in a motel. At 1:37 A.M I woke up to Baby walking across my pillow to get to her sleeping spot behind the pillow. I got up and went to the bathroom and came back and realized that Baby was not with me and that she was still at the hospital. I think it was at this point that I realized she had died. I just sat there and cried and wished I could have been with her.
I called the clinic the next morning and found out she had indeed passed on sometime that evening. She had made it through the surgery and Dr. Jeff said she had a strong little heartbeat and that she sure enough was a little fighter. Unfortunately, the chest tube that allowed fluid to drain from her kept getting clogged up and had caused her to expire twice. Both times she was revived and the surgeon who had done the operation work hard on her, but, she was just too under weight and I believe had gone into shock, and was unable to sustain her. I do not know for sure when she died, but I believe it was in the wee hours of Friday morning when she came to pay me one last visit.
She is buried in Dragon Heart Cemetery next to her father Monty.
I want to thank Allen Creek Veterinary Clinic in diagnosing Baby and “All Creatures Animal Hospital ” for taking such good care of Baby while she was with them. And also for truly making animal care for our beloved pets so reasonable and affordable. Thank you all…

Pebbles came from a friends cattery here in Southern Oregon. She was the most beautiful calico Persian I had ever seen. About two years ago she was retired and went to live with a friend of mine, Dee Shaw. Pebbles gave me many pretty kitties over the years and was one of my favorites. Dee was a benefactor of several of her off spring. Miss Pebbles was sweet, and a perfect lady. Dee, thank you for caring and for loving Pebbles as much as I did. It means so much to me. I received this very sad news in November 2007.
My Pretty Miss Pebbles died peacefully in my arms at the vet on 11/30/2007 5:00PM. The vet told me the cancer was very aggressive, but I did have her for 20 more days. Our emotions for those 20 day was alike a wild ride on a roller coaster. We thought she was better then we didn’t. I was on the phone twice a day with the vet. After her surgery under tongue I laded on the floor for hours making sure she got enough water with a syringe. We made food in the blender so she could lap it up because her mouth was sore. She seemed to get better. The last few days when she took a fast down turn Randy took a day of family leave to be with her and say good by. 11/30 I stayed home and talked to her the entire day before our appointment with the vet. Pebbles understood every word I was saying to her. We talked all about all of her camping trips (she was the only one we took) I talked non stop for 9 hours her last day. I have a Cousin that lost a cat that was his soul mate like Pebbles was to me over 2 years ago. I called him and asked him how long before the incredible hurt in my heart and the crying stops. He said you want to know the truth…at least a year… Teri for some reason I always knew even before I got any of Miss Pebbles baby’s, Panda, Pepi and Willie that one day I was going to have Pretty Miss Pebbles. I did have her but it was not nearly as much time as I wanted.