Dragonheart Cattery

Pearl (2015)


Blue Tortie Point female

Pearl lives with Brian and Amy James. Here is what they had to say about her.

This is our Pearl. 3 years old in May. She comes from Moody
Blues/Cinderella. She is what we call our “puppy, bunny, cat” She is a
cat for sure but feels like a bunny and acts like a puppy at times!

She loves to torment our dog, she loves to play chase with the dog and the
Roomba vacuum. Her favorite toy is ping pong balls or squinkie balls…she
can even play fetch! She is definitely a huntress! She stalks our
outdoor birds and if a bug comes in the house, look out!. She is not a big
snuggler but has her moments. She owns every part of our house and
alternates her napping/sleeping venues. She loves a good box too!! She
also loves to go outside, but is not an outside kitty–she will go on a
harness/leash and loves her outdoor tent as well!

We are hoping to get a baby brother from Terri for her as we do a lot of
camping and we want her to have a playmate (also during the day when the
family is at work/school and the dog is crated).

Thank you Terri!